Home  /  WOUNDED

Video Performance | 8’04” | 2015

The skin, the body, the wounds. The soul, the matter, the senses of the feminine
in its slow transmutations on the marks of days. The surface and depth, weight,
waiting, patience. Body becomes space, space turns into image, image reveals time.

Concept and Performance: Rafaela Boetcher

Images and Edition: Muriel Paraboni
Music: Mário Falcão


Wounded brings an approach to the transmutation of the female body and the wounds that mark it through time. In a contemplative way, the performance establishes an immediate relationship between space, time and the body.

The camera approaches slowly in relation to the performer, in complicity with the wounds that she tries to suture with careful gestures. The notion of healing is re-established in its original meaning related to the natural passing of time.


AVSD – Audiovisual Without Destiny | Instituto de Artes UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil 2016
Goethe Institut Videoart Retrospective | Goethe Institut Porto Alegre, Brazil 2017


(C) Véspera Mixed Media 2024