Installation | 6 channels | 2016

Inspired by brazilian filmmaker Humberto Mauro’s famous statement that “Cinema is waterfall”,
the installation proposes a cascade of images that constantly flow through 3 video projections and 3 monitors.

Concept, Editing and Post-Production: Muriel Paraboni
Photography: Marcus Jung
Programming: Evaristo José do Nascimento

Produced with the support of Laboratório Interdisciplinar Interativo – LabInter/UFSM 


Cut outs of the various temporalities that make up a real waterfall are assembled in space in analogy with the cinematographic language, producing an environment of intense experience with images and sounds.

A solo by pianist Keith Jarret spilling over into glitch-art effects complete an authentic waterfall of luminous pixels, in which jazz and improvisation blend into the minimalist patterns of the environment.


Land Solo Exhibition
Sala Cláudio Carriconde CAL/UFSM Santa Maria, Brazil – SET 2016

Land II ed | Solo Exhibition
Centro de Cultura Henrique Ordovás Filho Caxias do Sul, Brazil – JUL 2019


(C) Véspera Mixed Media 2024