Created by Muriel Paraboni

Every day we open the house windows for the light and the sounds of the world to come in.
But we soon turn our backs on them and spend most of our time immersed in the tangle
of networks, browsing through virtual windows. Our perception is exhausted between
countless stimuli, time and reality are confused, conditioned by the loneliness of technology.

Short | Videoart | 3’30” | 2021

Images, Editing and Sound Design by Muriel Paraboni


Created from images captured by cell phone during the first period of total confinement by Covid 19 in Italy, in March 2020, Electric Window makes the simple daily act of opening and closing the window a reflection on the digital plunge to which we are subjected nowadays. The work approaches the way the senses and perceptions are affected by this intense immersion in the immateriality of the digital environment. The window becomes more than a metaphor as it shapes itself onto the computer screen. Nature, reality, technology and virtuality are confused in the exhaustion of the senses, in the entropy of perceptions.

Electric Window follows a minimalist structure, based on rhythm and repetition of the same image fragments. The glitch emerges as a shock and visual cut procedure, taking everyday recognizable images to the limits of abstraction. From a formal point of view, the work flirts with the aesthetics of the experimental avant-garde cinema, in artists like Oskar Fischinger, without losing sight of the concrete and real reference that problematizes. Nature and virtuality are spotted in symbiosis, where the wild heart of man and technology meet with sometimes disturbing effects.


Devires TecnoPoéticos | Museu de Arte de Santa Maria – Santa Maria, Brazil – NOV 2023
Saigon Experimental Film Festival | Satellite Program Long Biên District – Hanoi, Vietnam – NOV 2022
Bideodromo Festival | Art House Zinema BilbaoArt Art Production Center – Bilbao, Spain – OCT 2022
Austin Int Arthouse Film Festival | Online Edition – Austin, United States – DEC 2021
Vastlab Experimental | The Yard Theather – Los Angeles, United States – DEC 2021
Athens Int Digital Arts Festival | Athens Historic Center – Athens, Greece – OCT 2021
The Wrong Biennale no 5 | Essence/Absence Pavilion – Milan, Italy – NOV 2021
Non-syntax Exp Image Fest | Workshop Underg Art Factory – Fukuoka, Japan – NOV 2021
SPMAV Fest Int de Videoarte | Museu Leopoldo Gotuzzo – Pelotas, Brazil – NOV 2021
Non-syntax Experimental Image Festival | BnA Alter Museum – Kyoto, Japan – AUG 2021
Non-syntax Experimental Image Festival | Calm & Punk Gallery – Tokyo, Japan – JUN 2021|
Together Alone | KOSMA Media Arts / E-Kosma Gallery – Seoul, S Korea – MAY 2021


(C) Véspera Mixed Media 2024