Video Art | 15′ | 2015

Dissolution #1 is a 15-minute video featuring a real-time dusk on a field landscape.
Captured in grainy black and white, the colors related to the sunset pallete
appear in a separate video, reflecting on the landscape and the variation of ligh
in terms of the cinematic language, as digital image. 

The video was presented at the collective exhibition of the Art and Technology Laboratories
of the Post-Graduate Program in Visual Arts of the Federal University of Santa Maria (CAL/UFSM)
as the first experiment on a series of works exploring time, space, color and landscape.

Concept and Images: Muriel Paraboni
Programming: Evaristo José do Nascimento

Produced with the support of Laboratório Interdisciplinar Interativo – LabInter/UFSM


Dissolution series began in 2015 with this first experiment for a single channel video art piece, which was soon next presented also in 2 monitors side by side.

The main quality of the first piece is its simplicity: it started from a single real-time recording of the sunset in a field landscape. It’s the last fifteen minutes of brightness, until the image goes out completely.

Color was removed to emphasize the digital pixel, returning as a line at horizon height or as a block of color on a side screen. It makes clear that the movement of lights is of more interest than the landscape or figure.

This first experiment was presented alternately with one and two channels, signaling its vocation to soon expand through the exhibition space.


Land 2nd Edition Solo Exhibition | Galeria de Artes Centro de Cultura Ordovás 
Caxias do Sul, Brazil AGO 2019

Art and Technology Labs Exhitition | Teatro Caixa Preta | CAL/UFSM
Santa Maria, Brazil – SET 2015 


(C) Véspera Mixed Media 2024